How to Reduce the HTML DOM Size on Shopify

By Mobikasa Admin / Aug 08 2024
How to Reduce the HTML DOM Size on Shopify

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, website performance is crucial. One of the key factors affecting your site’s speed and overall user experience is the size of the HTML DOM (Document Object Model). A bloated DOM can slow down your website, impacting both SEO and customer satisfaction. Let’s explore how reducing the HTML DOM size on your Shopify store can lead to better performance and higher sales.

Why Reducing HTML DOM Size Matters

Enhances Website Speed

A large DOM size can significantly slow down your website. When your site takes too long to load, customers are likely to leave, resulting in lost sales. By reducing the DOM size, you can enhance your site’s speed, ensuring a smooth and fast user experience.

Improves SEO

Search engines prioritize fast-loading websites. A leaner DOM contributes to quicker load times, which can improve your search engine rankings. Better SEO means more visibility and potentially more traffic to your store.

Boosts User Experience

A fast, responsive website enhances the user experience, encouraging visitors to stay longer and explore more products. This can lead to higher engagement and increased sales.

How to Reduce HTML DOM Size on Shopify

1. Optimize Custom Code

Custom code on your Shopify store can increase the DOM size if not managed properly. Ensure that any custom code added to your theme files is optimized and necessary. Remove any redundant code that doesn’t contribute to the user experience or functionality.

2. Minify Code

Minifying your code involves removing unnecessary spaces, comments, and characters without changing its functionality. This can be applied to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. Minifying your code reduces its size, making it faster for browsers to load and interpret.

3. Manage Apps and Libraries

Apps and third-party libraries like jQuery and Bootstrap can add a significant amount of code to your website. Ensure that these libraries are only calling the necessary code required for your site to function. Disable or remove any unused apps or libraries to streamline your DOM.

4. Optimize Images and Videos

Large images and videos can bloat your DOM and slow down your site. Use optimized, compressed images and videos to reduce their impact on your site’s load time. Tools like TinyPNG or ImageOptim can help compress your images without losing quality.

5. Implement Lazy Loading

Lazy loading is a technique that delays the loading of non-critical resources until they are needed. This can significantly reduce the initial DOM size and improve load times, especially for pages with a lot of images or videos.

6. Use Structured Data Efficiently

Structured data, or schema markup, helps search engines understand your content better, but it should be kept within a manageable size. One of our clients faced an issue where their structured data was too large, causing errors. By cleaning up and organizing the code, we ensured it stayed within the required limits and worked efficiently.

Case Study: Client Success Story

One of our clients faced performance issues because their website’s structured data was too large. The data exceeded 2.5 MB, leading to errors and slow load times. We stepped in to help:

  1. Minified and Structured Code: We cleaned up their code, removing unnecessary elements and optimizing what remained.
  2. Managed App Usage: We ensured that only essential libraries were loaded, reducing the overall code footprint.
  3. Enhanced Speed: These changes led to faster load times, improving both user experience and SEO rankings.


Reducing the HTML DOM size on your Shopify store is not just a technical exercise, it’s a crucial step towards enhancing website performance, improving SEO, and providing a better user experience. By optimizing custom code, managing apps, and minifying resources, you can create a faster, more efficient e-commerce site that delights customers and drives sales.