Load Testing Your Store for Holiday Season

By Mobikasa Admin / Aug 08 2024

The holiday season is a critical time for businesses, bringing an influx of eager shoppers. However, this increase in traffic can also lead to website crashes and system failures if not properly managed. To ensure your business can handle the holiday rush, load testing is essential.

Why Load Testing is Crucial for Your Business

Load testing involves simulating high levels of traffic on your website to see how it performs under stress. This process helps identify potential weaknesses in your system, ensuring that your site can handle a surge in visitors without crashing. For a business, this means more sales, fewer outages, and happier customers.

Our Client’s Challenge

One of our clients faced a significant challenge during their holiday sale. The client expected about 500 orders a minute, a volume far beyond what their current system could handle. Although Shopify is known for handling any amount of load, the challenge was to ensure that all the integrations with Shopify, such as ERPs, logistics, and other apps, could support this volume.

How Mobikasa Helped

Understanding the Client’s Needs

To address this, we developed a custom load testing application to simulate the high order volume of 500 orders per minute and identify any potential issues with the integrations.

The Load Testing Process

Our load testing application placed multiple orders on the client’s Shopify store and synchronized them with their backend systems. This allowed us to see how the entire system would perform under real-world conditions. We tested various scenarios to ensure the system could handle different levels of traffic and order volumes.

Scenarios We Tested

  1. Short Bursts of High Traffic
    • Simulated placing a high number of orders within a short period (e.g., 8 minutes) to see if the system could handle sudden spikes in traffic.
  2. Sustained High Traffic
    • Tested order placement over a longer period (e.g., 1 hour and 8 hours) to evaluate the system’s performance during prolonged high-traffic periods.
  3. Varied Order Conditions
    • Created orders with different conditions such as discounts, free shipping, and multiple product combinations to ensure the system could process diverse order types effectively.
  4. Inventory Management
    • Ensured there was adequate inventory to support the large number of orders placed, checking how inventory depletion affected order processing.
  5. Backend Synchronization
    • Evaluated the time taken to synchronize orders from Shopify to the backend systems, identifying any delays or bottlenecks.

The Impact on the Client’s Business

The results of the load testing were invaluable. We discovered that while Shopify could handle the high order volume, there were synchronization bottlenecks with the backend systems. This insight allowed the client to address these issues before their big holiday sale, ensuring a smoother operation and better customer experience.

Key Scenarios Where Load Testing is Essential

1. Holiday Sales and Promotions

During holiday sales and promotions, websites experience a significant spike in traffic. Load testing ensures that your website can handle the increased volume without crashing, providing a seamless shopping experience for customers.

2. Product Launches

Launching a new product can attract a large number of visitors to your website. Load testing helps ensure that your site remains stable and responsive, even under the pressure of a high traffic surge.

3. Marketing Campaigns

Effective marketing campaigns drive traffic to your website. Load testing helps you prepare for the influx of visitors, ensuring that your site can handle the load and convert traffic into sales.

4. Unexpected Traffic Spikes

Sometimes, your website may experience sudden, unexpected spikes in traffic due to viral content or media coverage. Load testing helps you prepare for these scenarios, ensuring your site remains operational during peak times.

5. Business Mergers and Acquisitions

As seen with our client, business mergers and acquisitions can lead to a sudden increase in traffic. Load testing helps ensure that your systems can handle the increased load, maintaining business continuity during transitions.


Load testing is a critical tool for any business preparing for high-traffic periods. It helps prevent system crashes, ensures a smooth customer experience, and maximizes sales opportunities. We’re proud to help our clients navigate these challenges and come out stronger. As the holiday season approaches, investing in load testing can keep your website running efficiently and your customers satisfied.